

Ping-Pong Programming

What is it? Ping-Pong Programming (aka. Ping-Pong Pair Programming) is a kind of Pair Programming that TDD (Test Driven Development) is included while in practice. In other words, it is a combination of Pair Programming and TDD. Why use it? In addition to the Pair Programming’s own benefits, Ping-Pong Pair Programming has the following advantages: TDD :) Easier to find the rhythm of the development flow which can be a problem when it comes to switching pairs.

T2R2 - Talk, type, read, review!

What is it? T2R2 is an online meeting method that encourages people to participate and respond in real time. Why use it? This method helps make sure everyone who has something to contribute gets heard. The final step, review, helps make sure the meeting was meaningful, by creating a summary of the contributions, or identifying decisions or action steps. How to use it? Once you’ve posed a question, or started a new topic or agenda item, you ask participants to talk, type, read and review in sequence.

One Minute Mindfulness

What is it? We live in a fast paced world. We can all benefit from incorporating stress reduction into our daily routine in order to nurture and encourage our well-being. Having just sixty seconds of mindful breathing exercise per day may boost our physical and mental energy. One minute mindfulness is a micro-habit to develop an empathetic mindset. It can be easily integrated into scrum practices, we already have time and place for it at every start of daily stand-ups.

GROW Model for 1-2-1 Coaching

What is it? As per International Coach Federation (ICF) (Professional) coaching is an ongoing professional relationship that helps people produce extraordinary results in their lives, careers, businesses or organizations. Through the process of coaching, clients deepen their learning, improve their performance, and enhance their quality of life. GROW is a framework created and evolved by Sir John Whitmore for structuring your coaching conversations While coaching is a specialised competency you don’t have to wait to become a certified coach to help your direct reports, project members, peers etc to improve their performance, skills, attitudes or behaviors.

Technical Debt

What is Technical Debt? Technical debt as a concept reflects the cost of rework caused by taking shortcuts or choosing an easier solution, instead of using a better approach that may take longer. Technical debt can in some ways be compared to monetary debt in that it can accumulate ‘interest’, making it harder to implement changes later on. Unaddressed technical debt increases software entropy, slows development and may cause much bigger problems further down the line.

Unicorn, Skunk, Rat (USR)

What is it? USR (Unicorn, Skunk, Rat) is a technique which can be applied to running meetings. Everyone’s name who are participating in the meeting/workshop is written up on a board. The headings across the board are: Unicorn Skunk Rat During the meeting/workshop scores are awarded to individuals based on the following: Good Ideas Anyone who comes up with a good idea is awarded the Unicorn. Anyone can award the Unicorn to others and there is no limit to the number of times you can be awarded the Unicorn.