

Story Kick-offs

What is it? A joint walkthrough/explanation of the story by the product owner with the pair of developers who will be working on it; right before development starts The developers (and others) use this opportunity to get their questions answered and task out the story or re-validate the tasks. A final check-point to ensure that the scope of the story has not changed or if it has, what to do about it.

"I Have a Dream"

What is the “I Have a Dream” practice? The “I Have a Dream” practice can be used as either a Team Icebreaker or as a Team Building activity. It is a practice that allows people to get to know each other’s dreams, it allows people to get to know each other in a deeper way beyond just “My name is… My role is… “. When should you use it? This practice should be used when a team already knows each other, they already know each other’s names, this is not the first time they are doing something together.

The Art Gallery

What is it? This is a place to capture the various doodles that a Team might draw throughout their time together. Show off the idea that lots of people have creativity with this simple practice! Create a board with the title “The Art Gallery” and capture people’s doodles with sticky notes! May also want to use tap if not using post it notes. Why use it? To help encourage and highlight the creativity of the Team!

Quote Wall

What is it? This is a simple place to capture all the hilarious, inspiring, smart, and silly things we might say throughout a Team’s history together. Create a board with the title “The Quote Wall” and capture people’s quotes with sticky notes! Why use it? To help encourage a positive attitude, fun, and laughter while the Team works together. Further Information

Tribute Wall

What is it? A simple and powerful way to share and spread feedback to the whole team. Why use it? Product Owners, UX-designers, BA’s and other persons who have contact with stakeholders and users get a lot of first-hand feedback. This feedback should not stop there as it’s really the team that have delivered the product, hence they should see all the great feedback coming in. It’s a way to empower the team as they become aware of the impact their work has.

Design Sprint

What is it? It is a 5 day customer-centric process for rapidly solving a key challenge, creating new products, or improving existing ones. Design sprints enable you to: Clarify the problem at hand, and identify the needs of potential users Explore solutions through brainstorming and sketching exercises Distil your ideas into one or two solutions that you can test Prototype your solution and bring it to life Test the prototype with people who would use it The process phases include: Understand, Define, Sketch, Decide, Prototype and Validate.