

Feature Toggles

What is it? Feature Flags (also known as Feature Bits/Toggles/Flipping/Controls) are an engineering practice that can be used to change your software’s functionality without changing and re-deploying your code. In software, a flag is “one or more bits used to store binary values.” So it’s a Boolean that can either be true or false. A flag can be checked with an if statement. A feature in software is a bit of functionality that delivers some kind of value.

Blue Green Deployments

What is it? Blue Green Deployment is a technique in software development which relies on two productive environments being available to the team. One of them, let’s call it “green” is operational and takes load from the reverse proxy (load balancer/router). The other environment, let’s call it “blue” is a copy upgraded to a new version. Blue Green Deployment The team can perform all required task for an upgrade of the product version on the “blue” environment without the rush of downtime.

Dark Launches

What is it? A continuous delivery practice, which allows you to release new features only to a group of users and invisible to others. The Dark Launch enables the team to understand the real life impact of new features, which may be unexpected for users in the sense that no users asked for them. These type of release allows the team to only expose a part of the user population to the new feature and carefully observe and measure the user interaction.

Kano Model

What is it? The Kano model is derived from the work of professor Noriaki Kano on product development and customer satisfaction. Prof. Kano argues that customer preferences can be classified in five categories: - Must Have / Must-be (aka Musts, Basic Needs, Dissatisfiers) - covers product/feature expectations (requirements) which are taken for granted by the customers. When done well, customers are neutral, when not present or done poorly customers are very disappointed

Cohort Analysis

What is it? Cohort analysis is a subset of behaviour analytics which studies the difference in behaviour between different groups of people (customers / users), aka cohorts. Instead of treating all users as part of one population, cohort analysis is segmenting the population in cohorts which share a common characteristic and then search for patterns in their behaviours. The discriminating characteristic can be derived from the main personas (e.g. skill level) or from the events and timeline relative to the product (new users, returning users, users from month x, etc.

Funnel Analysis

What is it? Funnel Analysis is an analytical practice studying the changes over a course of events or steps in a user journey. It frequently follows the flow inside an application towards achieving a specific goal. For example the purchasing of an item on an ecommerce site: the funnel analysis will show how many users go through the full flow of steps to complete a purchase and how many stop (drop off) at which step (aka fallout rates).