

Impact & Effort Prioritization (Matrix)

What is it? This is a decision-making / prioritization practice for selection of ideas (feature ideas, performance ideas, growth ideas). It is a 2 by 2 matrix comparing Impact vs Effort. A variation of the matrix may consider Effort+Costs or Complexity as representation of both effort and costs. Best Ideas - High Impact / Low Effort Research required - High Impact / High Effort Things to avoid - Low Impact / Low Effort Bad ideas - Low Impact / High Effort Why use it?

Domain Storytelling

What is it? A workshop format that helps participants understand how people and/or software systems work together. Both existing or future state business processes can be analysed. Domain Storytelling is driven by domain experts who share typical examples of how they work. These examples are known as Domain Stories. While listening, the moderator records the domain stories using a pictographic language, so domain experts can see immediately if the moderator understands their story correctly.

Heuristic Evaluation

What is it? Heuristic evaluation is a method for reviewing designs based on ten basic principles. The term was coined by Jakob Neilsen back in 1995, but the principles are still just as relevant today. Why use it? Provide expert review of designs, which can be a great companion to feedback from usability testing. It can be difficult to provide useful design critiques. These heuristics help reviewers provide concrete, actionable feedback.

UI Design Workshop

What is it? A UI workshop is an activity in which participants quickly sketch rough ideas for the user interface. These ideas can be written on a whiteboard, sticky notes, or sheets of paper. (A tall sticky note makes a great template for a mobile screen.) The workshop can be run with just a facilitator and a UX designer, but including the entire team is even better. At the end of the workshop, the participants can vote by adding dots to their favorites.

Usability Testing

What is it? In a usability testing session, the team observes real users interacting with the product. Typically, a facilitator sits with a user and asks her to complete tasks and explain her thinking as she goes. The team sits in a separate room and observes the testing by video. A usability test is not a focus group; it’s focused on what the user thinks and does in the real world.

Moving Motivators

What is it? Moving Motivators is a practice to uncover what motivates your colleagues and yourself. Why use it? The practice helps the team members to understand different perspectives. Steps First, download and print the cards that you will find on the Management 3.0 website. You can also buy sets of cards if you prefer. Once you have the cards, play the game alone. That is your training. Sort the cards from left to right.