Business Priorities Exercise

Get alignment on what will drive value and realise goals.

What is it?

The Business Priorities Exercise is a collaborative approach to getting stakeholders to agree on what the top priorities are for whatever they are trying to achieve.

Start by asking the group to pick 3-4 top business priorities that they want to achieve from the project in question

  • Run through each of the priorities with the team and provide example (note: don’t lead the witness!)
  • Using Dot Marking, ask them to vote for the top 3 then workup a mind map for them identifying what they actually mean
  • Once the team have settled on their top 3, take each priority in turn and have a more detailed discussion about it. Use different coloured markers to denote the positive and challenges they currently have in the area being discussed.
  • Similar to Impact Mapping but more ad-hoc and unstructured.
  • Should focus the team on “Why” they are doing things and perceived benefits.

Why use it?

Helps teams to align and identify what they should be focusing on. Also helps to share and highlight where there are challenges in the business which may not be visible to everyone.

Further Information
