Lean Inception

how to align people and build the right product via the MVP

What is it?

Lean inception is the effective combination of Design Thinking and Lean StartUp to decide the Minimum Viable Product (MVP). It is a collaborative workshop that will help a group of people — typically an agile team, a squad, or a product team — understand, align and plan the building of the lean product. The construction of a successful product starts with a Lean Inception.

Why use it?

Because, in the end, you’ll know what is the best way to validate the product to be developed, as such the hypothesis to be tested and goals to be reached.

However, the Lean Inception biggest benefit starts on its first minute: the improvement of the team relationship.

Further Information

The Lean Inception consists in a series of activities, usually scheduled in a week! Check below an example of an agenda and read the explanation and benefit of each step on the book.

Lean Inception agenda

- Read many Lean Inception related blog posts here

- Get the Lean Inception presentation slides here

- Get theLean Inception posters

- Prepare a remote Lean Inception
