The Matrix of Principles

A reflection tool to capture how stakeholders understand Deming's 14 Management Principles.

What is it?

A reflection tool to capture how the team members understand Deming’s 14 Management Principles.

Why use it?

Reflecting on the management principles enables the team to share their beliefs on management, to share their views on where the organization is, and to identify areas for improvement.


  • Take a blank sheet of paper, or use a whiteboard,
  • Draw a 2x2 matrix,
  • The horizontal axis represents your agreement with the principle. On the right, you agree; on the left, you disagree,
  • The vertical axis represents how the principle is applied to your organization. “Applied” at the top, “not applied” at the bottom,
  • You will now position Deming’s 14 Management Principles by placing their numbers on a 2x2 matrix. Each team member uses a different color.
  • After placing each principle, the facilitator asks the outliers to explain their position.
  • The facilitator asks the group if it inspires some ideas for the team.

You can use the tool as a self-reflection one. As a facilitator, it is useful to try the exercise first by yourself to be able to pick the principles that will most resonate with your team.

Further Information
